Glasgow Study Tour Bursary Awarded

Glasgow Study Tour Bursary Awarded

Monday 03 September 2018

Image: Mackintosh’s design for Windy Hill, Kilmacolm, Scotland

The DAS is pleased to announce that the bursary for the study visit to Glasgow and Edinburgh in October has been awarded to Barbara Vujanović, the senior curator at the Meštrović Atelier in Zagreb, Croatia. Vujanović is currently finishing her doctoral dissertation on Ivan Meštrović, the modern sculptor and architect and has participated in many international conferences highlighting her research into the life and work of Meštrović and modern sculpture.

This bursary will give Vujanović more opportunity to contextualize the work of Meštrović and his many contacts with foreign artists and politicians, as well as providing background for her work as an art critic and expert on modern and contemporary art. Vujanović said, ‘I am looking forward to meeting colleagues in Glasgow and really appreciate the possibility of exchanging information and ideas with members of The Decorative Arts Society, whom I had the honour to greet at the Meštrović Atelier during their visit to Zagreb in 2015.